I’ve moved posts to Instagram (for a season)!
It’s too much to post on so many channels. So I’m focusing on Instagram for all posts. Meet me there at @jarrodleejones!
It’s too much to post on so many channels. So I’m focusing on Instagram for all posts. Meet me there at @jarrodleejones!
Buckle up, Kemosahbe. Here we go. Ever heard the saying, “I can do all things through a verse taken out of context”? This couldn’t be truer when it comes to judging. Did Jesus actually say, “Do not judge”? Yes. And no. First, YES! As clear as a bell in Matthew 7:1-6. BUT, BUT, BUT, it’s…
Did you know that God cares about your whole health, not just your spiritual health? Perhaps because our whole health can impact our spiritual health (and to a degree vice-a-versa). In Exodus 18, Moses hears that his father-in-law is in town: “Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and bowed down and kissed him. And…
Let’s get to it! Christianity is compelling because it’s not just a call to faith, but a call to facts—historical facts. In Luke’s letter, he writes: “Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us. They used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples.…
I grieve. Deeply. In my gut. Our nation is in its death throes, and Western Christianity with it. From the redefinition of good and evil, abortion, racism, violence, to targeted censorship, government overreach in a pandemic, and “Christian” nationalism—which we witnessed last Wednesday turn violent. It’s that day at the Capitol I write about here:…
How are those resolutions going? Anyone out there brave enough to have made a list for 2021? I’ve been checking out blogs, tweets, articles, and posts on resolutions, and it got me thinking about something similar—vows. I think of resolutions as marks we set for ourselves, while vows are promises we make to God. Have…
2020. What was to be a year of vision became a year of getting blind-sided. We’ve all experienced some form of struggle and loss this year, some more than others. My family has experienced health crises after health crises this year (all non-covid related). Our little one, Jubilee, contracted a catastrophic encephalitis and remains in…
Holidays are tough. While there should be joy in your heart, you find instead an ache, or even agony, in your soul. Ever been there? Me too. What do you do, where do you turn, when you’re in the dark? Seek the presence of God, before you seek the provision of God. Stay with me.…
This is my first time sharing a favorite book list! And just in time for Christmas! Perhaps you’ll get a gift idea. More so, I hope you’ll find it helpful. Note: Not all books were published in 2020; nor are they all Christian. The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity by Douglas Murray Published:…
This is the time of year I sit under LED lights. Three to be exact. One in my bathroom. Two over my study/reading chair in my office. Each light has different buttons of time and intensity. It’s been scientifically proven that sitting under LED lights help with Seasonal Affective Disorder—a type of depression related to…
Alex Trebek was like family. Mr. Trebek, of course, was the beloved host of the game show Jeopardy!. Though I rarely watched Jeopardy!, just hearing Mr. Trebek’s name brought to mind humility, and a kind of respect and warmth. It seems the American culture felt the same. Maybe you too. Sadly, Mr. Trebek passed away…
As I write this, the next president of the United States has yet to be determined. Recounts are underway. Whatever the election results, how should we respond? How do we move forward as Christians? * Reject “#NotMyPresident”. If the results of the election are disappointing or disastrous to you, please don’t say or post that…
Almighty God, You reign. You are sovereign over us, over all the earth, over the times and places of all people, and sovereign over elections. The Psalmist thundered: “The LORD has established His throne in the heavens; and His sovereignty rules over all” (Psalm 103:19). Though we cast votes, Your purposes aren’t thwarted by votes.…
The Scriptures call God’s people to do works of justice. The prophet Micah declared, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8). The prophet Jeremiah adds, “This is what…
I love my people so much. My joyful role as their shepherd/pastor/overseer is to expose and protect them from false teachers and false teaching. I take this very seriously. In fact, I took the opportunity to address a heresy this weekend labeled progressive christianity. You can watch or listen here. This heresy actually dates back…