5 Musts For Daily Time with God

“Typically, a Bible that is falling apart belongs to someone who isn’t,” said somebody. I like it. So let’s chat about Scripture and daily devotions with God. Often, Jesus withdrew to be alone with the Father in prayer (Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16). While there, Jesus prayed that we would be sanctified by God’s Word (John…

What happens when you die

My grandmother Lockhart died decades ago a lover of Jesus. One morning her close friend, Ms. Velma, called my mom to tell her of a dream. She dreamed my grandmother walked out of her house onto a huge stage at a Christian concert. She was as beautiful as an angel, the star performer, and sang…

What You Really Want

Sitting in the doctor’s office the other day, I came across a National Geographic Magazine piece titled, “The Story of a Face.” Joanna Connors writes: “We are born seeking faces. Newborns turn toward them during their first moments out of the womb. Babies observe, respond to, and mimic our expressions as though it’s their job.…

7 Ways to Plead With God

My prayer life takes on certain patterns and themes at times. Lately, I’ve noticed specific “pleadings” surface repeatedly. God’s answered some more than others. Some barely at all. Or not at all. But I pray on. Here are 7 ways I’m pleading with God right now. Hope it serves you. Stir me. When I sit…