I’ve moved posts to Instagram (for a season)!
It’s too much to post on so many channels. So I’m focusing on Instagram for all posts. Meet me there at @jarrodleejones!
It’s too much to post on so many channels. So I’m focusing on Instagram for all posts. Meet me there at @jarrodleejones!
Buckle up, Kemosahbe. Here we go. Ever heard the saying, “I can do all things through a verse taken out of context”? This couldn’t be truer when it comes to judging. Did Jesus actually say, “Do not judge”? Yes. And no. First, YES! As clear as a bell in Matthew 7:1-6. BUT, BUT, BUT, it’s…
Did you know that God cares about your whole health, not just your spiritual health? Perhaps because our whole health can impact our spiritual health (and to a degree vice-a-versa). In Exodus 18, Moses hears that his father-in-law is in town: “Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and bowed down and kissed him. And…
I grieve. Deeply. In my gut. Our nation is in its death throes, and Western Christianity with it. From the redefinition of good and evil, abortion, racism, violence, to targeted censorship, government overreach in a pandemic, and “Christian” nationalism—which we witnessed last Wednesday turn violent. It’s that day at the Capitol I write about here:…
How are those resolutions going? Anyone out there brave enough to have made a list for 2021? I’ve been checking out blogs, tweets, articles, and posts on resolutions, and it got me thinking about something similar—vows. I think of resolutions as marks we set for ourselves, while vows are promises we make to God. Have…
Alex Trebek was like family. Mr. Trebek, of course, was the beloved host of the game show Jeopardy!. Though I rarely watched Jeopardy!, just hearing Mr. Trebek’s name brought to mind humility, and a kind of respect and warmth. It seems the American culture felt the same. Maybe you too. Sadly, Mr. Trebek passed away…
The Scriptures call God’s people to do works of justice. The prophet Micah declared, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8). The prophet Jeremiah adds, “This is what…
I love my people so much. My joyful role as their shepherd/pastor/overseer is to expose and protect them from false teachers and false teaching. I take this very seriously. In fact, I took the opportunity to address a heresy this weekend labeled progressive christianity. You can watch or listen here. This heresy actually dates back…
The hours are ticking down to a new year and a new decade! Whether 2019 was a good year or bad year, let it go. Mourn or celebrate then bid 2019 adieu. A new year and decade are before you. Here are a few thoughts to launch strong into 2020 and beyond. * Be Creative.…
The auto-correct on my phone once tried to change the word “minister” to “monster.” Funny, yet sobering. It gave me pause. It gives me pause now. Ministry is tough. Pastoring is, at times, a monster itself. Peter Drucker, the late leadership guru and author of The Effective Executive, once shared what he believed to be…
I’ve had it all wrong. Many well-meaning motivational speakers, best-selling authors, teachers, and preachers have had it wrong. Let me explain. I live with the threat of clinical depression crushing me at any moment. I pray, meditate on Scripture, experience community, take medication, see a therapist, eat clean, exercise, and do my best to get…
Sexual abuse in the local church… It’s sickening that such words are in the same sentence. Sadly, this isn’t breaking news anymore. In fact, we recently learned of another scandal with the Catholic Church, the sexual abuse of nuns. This on top of the years of reports of sexual abuse by priests and the cover-up…
Plato, at his best: “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” And Solomon, at his: “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion” (Proverbs 18:2). Regarding social media, I’ve fallen into the fool camp more often than I’d like to admit.…
At a leadership conference earlier this year, a presenter made a remark from the platform that was quite crude, to say the least. I won’t repeat the remarks, but it had to do with giving away his male body parts if it would grow his church. And there were women in the room. It takes…
A museum in Los Angeles, California, recently opened to celebrate failure. The displays range from the featured image above to Pabst Blue Ribbon Mac & Cheese and Colgate Beef Lasagna. It’s literally called (wait for it)… The Museum of Failure. This museum strikes a nerve. We live in a culture that mostly celebrates success, especially…