My Website Has Been Hacked

Word came to me moments ago regarding a post shared on my website last night entitled, “The Legal Structure For the Protection of Private Information.” Please know that I did not write the post. I would have no idea how to write about such a topic! I have since deleted the post and changed my…


No More of This

I grieve. Deeply. In my gut. Our nation is in its death throes, and Western Christianity with it. From the redefinition of good and evil, abortion, racism, violence, to targeted censorship, government overreach in a pandemic, and “Christian” nationalism—which we witnessed last Wednesday turn violent. It’s that day at the Capitol I write about here:…


What’s Possible in 2021?

2020. What was to be a year of vision became a year of getting blind-sided. We’ve all experienced some form of struggle and loss this year, some more than others. My family has experienced health crises after health crises this year (all non-covid related). Our little one, Jubilee, contracted a catastrophic encephalitis and remains in…


Are you SAD? A Way to Hope

This is the time of year I sit under LED lights. Three to be exact. One in my bathroom. Two over my study/reading chair in my office. Each light has different buttons of time and intensity. It’s been scientifically proven that sitting under LED lights help with Seasonal Affective Disorder—a type of depression related to…
