We are all broken.
The damage can be the result of what was self-inflicted, life-inflicted, or others-inflicted.
But it makes us who we are.
It’s a key part of our story.
Barbara Bloom writes, “When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.”
We can choose to live as victims. We can choose to live in anger, bitterness, self-pity, cynicism, blame. We can choose to fake it, put a smile on our face and put our best put-together self forward.
This is letting the damage control and define you. It’s filling your brokenness with glue, not gold.
Glue hides the brokenness to make the vessel look more put together than it is. To make it look, well, unbroken.
Yet the vessel remains fragile. And in time, the glue weakens.
On the other hand, gold makes the vessel stronger and more beautiful than it was before the damage. It makes the vessel unique to all others. What a picture of the glorious healing and redeeming love of Christ.
Our damaged places can make us stronger—with better perspective, deeper gratitude, and with a felt sense of the presence and healing of God.
Then to be vulnerable and transparent about those broken places brings beauty to others. It encourages, inspires, and renews our hope. It reminds us that we are all broken and not alone.
I once heard someone say that whatever frightens you most to share with the world is exactly what you should share. Because that’s what touches people’s souls.
Don’t hide your brokenness.
Instead, share your story.
We want it.
Show us your gold.
We need it.
Abortion is not an easy sin to lay at the foot of the cross. As one’s understanding of God’s love grows the shame only increases. But I have given it to Him and He has given me opportunities to share my story. I am amazed by the impact it’s had; setting others free from their sin, leading faithful prayer warriors to pray for women struggling with this sin, even leading women to choose life for their babies! So I couldn’t agree more…share your story! Allow Him to be glorified through it! After all, it’s not really your story at all, it’s His!
Well said, Amy. Thank you for sharing. His story, indeed!
Thank YOU, Jarrod. After months of studying His word and hours spent in worship seeking His face, it was your “It Is Finished” sermon (2013, from the Famous Last Words Series) that finally drove those words into my heart and made me realize His sacrifice covered even my sin, that His blood was sufficient! He has blessed you with an amazing talent and we’re blessed to be members of Grace.
Oh wow. So grateful!
Amen Pastor Jarrod, well said! The glory of God is manifested through our brokenness and is a wonderful, powerful, testimony of His power to others who don’t know Him. He refines us in the fire so we can be a light for Him and a walking living testimony for others in this world! Thank You Jesus for your faithfulness!!
Thanks for sharing, Dina!
If my brokenness and story are represented by the ‘gold’, then my image is one of an Academy Award Oscar statue.
Keep doing what you do Pastor! Thank you.
I hear you! Thank you!